I know I promised pictures on Monday..and it's 9:10 pm...so technically it's still Monday! But first you'll have to sit through a couple of paragraphs about the move and our first couple of days.
Saturday was the big move and it went well except for one hitch...our queen size box spring wouldn't fit our our stairs. It caused much strife between Adam and myself since it was very disappointing to not be able to sleep in our new bedroom on our first night in our house. Our friends offered several suggestions, I looked up
how to cut a box spring to get it up stairs, but ultimately we stopped into a mattress store to see if split queen box springs were something that anyone even made, and they had a set in the store, so we bought it. The old box spring will either be free-cycled or we may try to figure out a way to fit in on the full size bed frame we're getting from my Mom for the guest room.
One thing I will say THANK HEAVENS we got the 24" U-haul truck...we needed it. I don't care what they say, that thing would NOT have fit everything from a 3-4 bedroom house. We were in a one bedroom apartment and it was full.
Sunday we slept in, I was able to throw together some egg sandwiches with what little food we had in the house. I unpacked the kitchen while Adam worked in the living room, moving low-priority boxes into the den, unpacking the high priority boxes and finally removing all the blue tape from all the trim. Getting the TV hooked up required a trip to Best Buy to get an HDMI cable and while there we checked out small flat screen TVs since we want a new one for the bedroom.
Today I was able to get my dressing room unpacked and the office set up.
Most importantly people have been asking for pictures. Right now the living room is the only room that looks like much of anything. But away we go!
If you'll remember, here is the living room under the previous owners. This photo is from the listing. It was nice but that wood trim was so dated.

Here it is with the new paint and our furniture. The walls are Sherwin Williams (SW) Filmy Green and the trim is SW Roman Column. Pardon the darkness...I took the pictures at night. I'll probably post new ones when I get a chance to take pictures during sunny hours.

This will not be the final iteration of this room. For one thing, we have lots of stuff to hang on the walls. For another, the TV will be moved to the den eventually and this will be a more formal living room. The couch will also go to the den. I'm going to start the hunt for a couch soon. The small half-round table by the door will be replaced with a long thin console table. The end tables were $12 each at a thrift store and I plan to paint them, and add fabric under glass to the tops. I'm trying to talk Adam into painting the front door, it's a good door but the current finish is not good, painters tape peeled some of the finish off. Plus, I clearly need some kind of window treatments. I also plan to make over the fireplace in a similar way to Layla over at
The Lettered Cottage. Only, since the top of our fireplace sticks out further than the bottom, ours will involve columns on the sides. Something like this, only less fancy:

Anyway, lots to do, lots to do. The dining room might be the next room I have photos of. While the bedroom is done being painted, there's lots of other stuff to do in there (Adam wants a new dresser that works better with the room, the nightstands need a makeover, or replaced and I have to make the curtains still).
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