Friday, September 4, 2009

If the house doesn't kill us we'll die from exhaustion

A lot has been going on at The New Nest! The hubs and I have spent all week painting and the bedroom is done (save a tiny bit of trim) and there's a very good chance the living room will be done today. While I'm at work today he's at home with the Verizon guy having FIOS installed and painting his blessed little heart out. I sustained my first home improvement injury on Wednesday, putting a huge splinter into the side of my thumb, through my cuticle and UNDER my fingernail. Using the space bar HURTS when I'm typing. We're both pretty exhausted between work and spending every night this week painting, but I think Adam is a little worse for the wear. We're planning to sleep in as late as humanly possible on Sunday because it's been a really rough week. Pictures to come, next week (hopefully Monday).

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