A few new things have happened in prepping for the house.
no. 1 We've gotten the whole repairs thing sorted from the home inspection and all will be fine. Adam is out of town right now, but as soon as he gets back we'll be signing the papers and sitting on our thumbs until closing.
no. 2 We've also figured out what we're doing for home owner's insurance.
no. 3 I've bought stuff.
On Sunday I went out shopping with my Mom and had good luck. First thing I got was this patio set at Home Depot for $300, which originally was only supposed to have a table and two chairs for $400, but was the last one in the store and was priced at $200, and I got them to throw in two extra chairs (which didn't have a table to go with them) for an extra hundred bucks. It's totally nice and cushy and will go out on the front porch so that we can enjoy the crisp fall weather with our cups of coffee on Sunday mornings.

I also bought the Dwell Studio for Target Garden Pattern rug. I was in shopping for curtains and just saw while passing down the center aisle and gasped. Adam had told me I couldn't buy a rug without him with me, but I figured if he didn't like it I could return it. It was clearly a return from another customer because it wasn't packaged properly, just bound up with some stretch wrap. After some digging I managed to find a price on it, but when we unrolled it Mom noticed some wrinkling at one of the corners where it had been rolled improperly. When I took it customer service I asked if they could give me a discount since I wasn't sure it would every lay properly because of that wrinkling (although, that was a fib, I'm pretty sure with time and maybe a little steaming it will lay just fine). They knocked 15% off for me. It came down to $125.
I love it. I can't decide if it should go in the living room, where it would be a bit too small, but you would be able to see the beautiful design on it. We could also put it in the dining room under the table, where it would be the right size, but you might not be able to appreciate it fully.

I also bought some lamps at Home Goods. I love Home Goods. I never pass up a chance to go there, and it's usually the first place I look when I need something for the house. I'd show you the lamps but I think I'll wait until they're in their rightful place in the house before photographing them...the apartment is a wreck and I've started packing so it's not going to look good again before moving.
In less-good news, the wallpaper Adam and I picked out for the dining room (
Seabrook's SBK9110 from the Silhouettes book) is discontinued. So, we'll be going out on another trek to find wallpaper. We have differing opinions on wallpaper so it's not an easy task. I want to get it done though because I was planning on pulling colors for both the living room and dining room out of whatever wallpaper we went with.
Also less-good news is that Adam had requested an in-office week (as in not traveling) for the week the house would be empty. I was planning on getting some rooms painted and ready since the house would be empty and I had half days at work and Adam could come after 5pm and it would make things easier. Sadly it turns out something came up at work and he'll have to go to New Mexico that week. So, I'll be recruiting friends and family to come help paint at least the living room and bedroom, everything else should either be fairly easy even if there is furniture in the room, or I just don't have any idea what color I'm painting them yet.
So, things are moving along. Countdown to closing - 12 days. Countdown to move-in - 31 days.
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