Sunday, November 21, 2010

Those Naughty Swedes

I love Ikea.  It's my go-to place for lots of our furniture. I never go into the store without buying something. Recently I went in to buy some of those sheepskin things they sell and a bath mat...and left with $100 worth of other stuff. My brother and his wife live 5 minutes from our nearest Ikea and every time we visit them I think "hmmm...perhaps a side trip?"

Last year, Ikea made TIME magazine because, of all things, they changed their font. Seriously.

But this morning, while looking for this video to post Facebook, I ran across a commercial from Ikea that was apparently too scandalous to air. Then another. Then another.

Who knew those Swedes could be so racy?

1 comment:

  1. Mwhahahahahahaaa! My favorite is the last one! Who knew?! I'll never think of Ikea the same way again. Thanks for the laugh Molly. Your house is gorgeous.

