In the last few days I finished the cornices and the rocking chair in the guest bedroom, and took photos of my favorite gift for a bride-to-be so I can make a little post about that.
That is to say...I have things to post about, I promise. It's just that I tend to get the motivation to work on a project at about 8 pm, when I can no longer take my own laziness. This, of course, is after the sun goes down and my photos are dreadful when using non-natural light. So, I'll be taking photos today when I get home and posting tonight.
In the meantime, though. I'm seriously considering some kind of snarky art for the last wall in the guest room. Something to make any guests we do have smile. My husband and I are both pretty sarcastic people, and I think it would suit us. The tea towels from To Dry For (how cute is that name?) are good enough to frame and I would love to hang this in my guest room.
But To Dry For is based in England and I'm not sure I'm on board with shipping a tea towel for framing from across an ocean. I'm pretty convinced that I could make this myself, but I'm also hunting around Etsy for other possiblities.
What do you think? Go snarky? Or be the ever so polite hostess?
who doesn't love snark? it should alwasy be expected :)